About Us

Al-Marwa Silos, Storage, and Milling Company is a leading company in the field of wheat trade and its derivatives

Al-Marwa Silos Company

Specializing in the production of flour and various milling products. The company was established in 1990 and has an excellent reputation in the industry.

About Us

Al-Marwa Milling Company excels in providing high-quality and competitive products in the market. The company uses the latest technologies and equipment in milling operations to ensure the use of high-quality wheat grains and raw materials. Every stage of production is meticulously monitored to guarantee superior quality of the final products.
The company is committed to complying with strict quality and food safety standards, ensuring that all products meet international specifications and standards. Operations were closely monitored to ensure that the products were free from impurities and defects, and the supply chains were meticulously traced to maintain the quality of the raw materials used in the processes.
Al-Marwa Milling Company operates with a qualified and specialized team that passionately works towards delivering the best products and services to customers. The company places great emphasis on innovation and continuous improvement, striving to meet the needs of the market and expectations of customers consistently.